How I spent N4,000 (8$) on Facebook ads and grew it to N603,000 profit (1206$)

In July 2021 before my birthday, my Facebook account was hacked... See, I am not going to lie to you; Facebook ads is a war zone. Facebook itself is war πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


My Facebook account was hacked, and my advertisement account was blocked. I tried tirelessly at the "doorstep" of Facebook support without getting any results. 


(Come closer, if anything happens to your ad account, there is no Facebook support contact you can reachβ€”my pure painful experience)


I found alternative ways to create and run Facebook ads, but guess what?


They failed woefully! 😭


I failed repeatedly at advertisement, but with each failure, I discovered secret strategies to succeeding with Facebook ads.


7 months later, I mastered the Facebook ads system and recovered my blocked & hacked accounts through a secret legal doorway which is not known to many at all.


I started running an ad with N4,000 and it generated so much sales till I grew it to 600,000 naira and counting....

Coach Jadel - Joel Adewale

I am a Coach Jadel, a mentor to over 170 writers across the globe. I will help you grow your business and increase your sales in 90 days max or give you back your money πŸ’―

Let's Sky-Rocket Your Business and sales

I will run High-converting ads for your business and write powerful copies that will help you 2x your sales and grow your business. Here is a breakdown of what I will do for you;

  • Pixel Installation: to help you track and optimise your Facebook ad results
  • 100% unique landing page: to make your sales process more credible 
  • Facebook ad Targeting: so that you don't waste energy on the wrong people
  • GTM custom installation and Tracking: So you can create conversions unique to your business
  • NEPQ scripts: to help you close leads in DM's like WhatsApp 
  • Unique WordPress website: To give you full control of your entire website and the sales process
  • Cash vomiting copywriting: to 2x your clicks and sales
  • Conversions API installation: So that IOS updates and Adblockers don't ruin your conversion tracking

You No Longer Have to Keep Wasting Money on Facebook Ads πŸ—‘οΈ

Just tell me what you want to achieve with Facebook ads; sit back, relax and let me give you the results you desire

Number of sales I have made excluding extra sales; excluding over 20 people who have paid more than the average N3,500 price  ☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾

Total money spent on ads from 2021 - April 2022 ☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾

My Conversions and Pixels API doing wonders β˜πŸΎβ˜πŸΎβ˜πŸΎ

A peek inside my GTM tags ☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾

Take a look at some of my conversion ads doing so well even at a tiny ad budget πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Take a look at my Google ad campaign converting even at a tiny ad budget πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Real Alternatives For You If You Don't Want To Contact Me

  • Keep wasting money experimenting on ads without knowing what is going to work out
  • Run ads without knowing the right audience to target for your business
  • Be at the risk of getting your ad accounts blocked or hacked without knowing the hidden legal methods to secure and recover any Facebook account

Okay.... Mr. Jadel, I don't think I have money to run ads

I honestly understand what it feels like to want to run ads, but not have the money to run ads. 

I have gone through the pain of losing money and getting blocked on Facebook repeatedly. I don't wish any business owner to experience that same pain. 


So, if you don't have money to run ads. I have two amazing things for you;


1.) Free consultation: Just use the button below to contact me; I will offer free guidance to help you grow your business sales


2.) You can pre-order my Facebook ads course.


Usually, Facebook ads courses cost N100,000+ (200$+), but because you are on this page, you can pre-order my Facebook ads course for N4,200 only (6.3$)


Don't shine your teeth too much. I can make this offer disappear πŸ€ͺ


  • Use the button below to send me the code "FBPRE-ORDER" to get this HUGE offer

What People Are Saying About Me

Why The Heck Should You Trust Me??

  • I am at a risk of owing you a Huge Debt if I don't increase your sales within 90 days. I will have to pay you back your money from my pocket
  • I am the Founder and CEO of Cravinkmindsβ€”a global community of writers and freelancers. My entire reputation is on the line if you give me a bad review online

P.S. If you want to grow your business and online sales, Use the button above to send me a message now!